I've heard and experienced that many cashiers aren't familiar with their own store's coupon policies.
This can be frustrating when you have your stack of coupons ready to go and it all comes to a screeching halt. You've got other folks behind you in line giving you the evil eye and you just want to give up and go home. Well, don't! Keep a copy of the store's coupon policy (generally found on their website) in the back of your coupon caddy, envelope, etc. The cashier will either become more knowledgable about policy, or will be so intimidated by the fact that you know their coupon policy, chapter and verse, that he will just put your coupons through out of sheer embarrassment! If that, too, fails, then ask to have the store manager ring you up at customer service.
Here are links to some stores' policies.
Kroger (Digital Coupon Policy)
Fred Meyer
Like to save time, money, and not lose your mind in the process? Join me as I share tips and tricks to guard those two precious resources while trying to be a SAHM, stay-at-home-mom.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Quick Tip: Carry Store's Coupon Policy in Coupon Caddy
coupon policy,
CVS coupon policy,
Fred Meyer,
Fred Meyer coupon policy,
Kroger coupon policy,
Rite Aid,
Target coupon policy,
Walgreens coupon policy
Quick Tip: Simplify Washing to Get Better Looking Towels
Unless you don't mind a bunch of lint balls covering your towels, or if you use your towels until they've gasped their last breath, then you'll like this.
Have you ever noticed that when you wash different colored towels together, even the older ones will transfer little lint balls to towels of other colors? I hate that. I cannot stand seeing all those little lint balls on the towels! The next time you get new towels, buy all the same color. You'll no longer have to wait till there are enough dirty from the same color to make up a load, and no more lint ball transfer!
Also, remember to limit the use of dryer softener sheets when washing towels (or fleece). The softener sheets prevent towels from absorbing as much water as they normally would. (The softener sheets just flat out ruin the appearance of anything fleece, over time, so I wash fleece separately and use no dryer sheets at all.)
If you are asking for towels for Christmas, a house-warming party, or whatever the occassion, make sure to ask for towels that are all the same color to make wash day a little easier.
Put Some Pep in Your Housecleaning Step!
Put some pep in your housecleaning step!
I know that I always get more done around the house when I have to music to bop along to and I've found a new site to help with that. My friend Christine brought walk by jog fm to my attention, and I thought it would be a great way to put some pep in your housecleaning step. You can always use your MP3 player, or even stream music from your favorite radio station or Pandora.
Whatever you do to get a little motivation, choose something fun and you'll be sure to be more productive when you are doing your daily chores!
house cleaning,
pep in your step,
Walk by Jog FM
Contest Corner - The Best Giveaways on the Net!
I'm a big fan of Money Saving Mom. Each week, she gives a forum for other blogs to list any contests or giveaways they have posted. I've seen these in the past, but rarely entered any of the contests. This week, I decided to give these other hardworking bloggers some love and enter their contests.
One blog that I tried was Contest Corner. They have "The Best Giveaways on the Net!". This week, they are giving away a D-Link Day/Night Security Camera. Contest Corner provided the following information about the camera.
The D-Link DCS-932L Day/Night Security Camera retails for $129.99
and is available at Best Buy, Staples, Office Depot and Amazon –
Contest Corner, like other blogs running contests that I've come across, are using "Rafflecopter" for entries. By performing various tasks, most of which are to help advertise the blog or the company providing the prizes, you gain entries. For example, on Contest Corner, you can earn entries for liking their Facebook page, Tweeting about the contest on Twitter and posting the link to your Tweet back in the Rafflecopter, subscribing to a an e-mail or RSS feed, etc. In fact, I'm earning an entry right now just for telling you about their contest on my blog!
Not everyone will want to do all activities, but the more activities you complete, the more chances you have at winning the prize. This particular contest, at present, has received over 2,000 entries. As nationwide contests go, that's not a huge amount, so your chances are pretty good, though I'm not going to mathematize (our own family word) for you. Some entry methods are able to be done on a daily basis during the life of the contest. For example, you can Tweet about the contest once / day to earn an additional entry. I have seen some contests / giveaways that have fewer than 100 entries.
Yes, contests and giveaways are fun, but they serve other purposes and anyone who spends even a small amount of time purusing blogs will recognize that bloggers have contests to boost readership. Some bloggers will also get free product to try and write about, and the manufacturer often gives an extra item for the blogger to give away. Also, the contests often require that the reader likes a Facebook page, Tweets about the contest, or writes about it in the reader's blog, all promoting the blog with the giveaway, the company who provides the prize, or the manufacturer of the product. Some readers seems to get a bit bent out of shape about this, but I don't see why. If a company is giving away an item, and a blogger is willing to try out that item to promote it for the company, then if I'm going to try to win the item, the least that I can do is help promote them a little in the process. Many will help, few will win, but c'est la vie, right?
So, now that you know a little more about contests and giveaways on blogs, go forth and win!
Best Buy,
Contest Corner,
D-Link Day/Night Security Camera,
D-Link Giveaway,
Office Depot,
Security Camera giveaway,
The Best Giveaways on the Net
Sunday, November 25, 2012
*STILL ACTIVE* Sierra Trading Post $10 Off Coupon!
There are lots of nice things that one can find at Sierra Trading Post.
Use the link below to get a $10 coupon, and I'll get one, too! And, if you are a Upromise member, you can find further Sierra Trading Post savings through the Upromise site.
Sierra Trading Post
$10 coupon,
$10 off,
money off,
Sallie Mae,
Sierra Trading Post,
Upromise by Sallie Mae
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
*EXPIRED* FREE Redbox Video Game Code!
I didn't even know that Redbox rented video games!
You can text JUSTDANCE to 727272 on your cell phone for a FREE 1-day Redbox Video Game Rental Code! Your code expires 12/31 at 11:59pm. HOWEVER, I don't know how long the offer to GET the free code will last. So, text to get your free code soon! (Remember, Message and data rates my apply!)
I really need to start using Redbox again. I have been overlooking them ever since we got Netflix, but there are times when I'd really like to see a movie when it comes out on DVD, and not all Netflix movies are available on instant view. Redbox will be my economical source for seeing those "must see" movies a lot sooner!
I just did sent my text, and got my code for a free video game rental within seconds.
Also, what I liked is that Redbox sent a second text telling me I could reply with a "Y" if I want to join the Redbox Games Text Club. That means, just because I texted them for the free video game code, they aren't going to automatically sign me up for future texts. Very nice! I really do appreciate being asked first!
A BIG thank you to DEALSEEKINGMOM.com for posting the link to this free Redbox video game rental code! DealSeekingMom has tons of great info on Coupons, Deals, Freebies, Living on Less, Money-Making Ideas, Store Deals, etc. Please visit her site and tell her SAHMonomics sent you!
Have You Heard of TopFloor? Take a Look!
Just found out about TopFloor and am looking to learn more. Have you visited their site? What do you think? They seem to have an interesting spin on the deals they offer. Each deal is offered for a limited time, and they offer items in a group, though it looks like you can purchase just one of the items, the items will have some sort of common theme. Also, they provide a sneak preview of what items they'll have up for sale and a countdown to when those items will be available. They say they have the following: Exclusive Sales. Top Brands. Stylist Videos. I took a look at their site and they have some items that seem to be very reasonably priced, and other items that, though it may be a good price for that item, I'm just not going to spend THAT MUCH for an item, no matter who the manufacturer is or how well the product is made.
That being said, TopFloor is offering you 2 months Free Shipping when you use this link*: http://www.topfloor.com/?ref=63841-d8aafb
Take a look at their site and let me know what you think!
*Disclosure: FYI, I will receive a $1.00 credit to TopFloor for each person who signs up for their site via this link.
Thanks and enjoy!
exclusive sales,
referral credit,
stylist videos,
top brands
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Food Waste: How to Avoid It
I have had little daydreams of tabulating all that my family spends on food, just to know what our monthly food spend is. Has that happened yet? Heck no! But, I think about it. A lot.
One way to help save on food spend is to not waste food. Seems simple enough, right?
Here are a few ways to help cut back on the dreaded Food Waste:
1. Portion out the evening meal's leftovers into individual containers for the next day's lunch. (Instead of storing those leftovers in a single, large container, take a few extra moments to get those bad boys lined up for lunch!)
2. Meal Planning. Oh, again, how I wish... Everyone I know who has started to plan out their week's (or month's!) meals swears by it. Fewer trips to the grocery store and avoiding the dreaded, "What am I going to make for dinner?" are just a few of the reasons to plan out your family's meals. Oh, and a little something called saving money. By planning out your family's meals, and taking into account how much will be eaten for dinner, or saved as leftovers for the following day's lunch, taking advantage of sales on meat, fruits, and vegetables, etc., you not only save time in the long run, but also money and FOOD.
3. Trying a new recipe? Make a half-batch. If you are trying a new recipe, and you're not sure how it turn out, then make only half. That way, if it's a dud, there will be less waste. Is it a main dish? Serve it as a side dish. Who cares?? Your family will appreciate that there isn't a ton of a new recipe to eat if it isn't their favorite. And, if they like it? They'll be clamoring for more, and you'll have a sure-fire winner to add to your dinner repertoire! *NOTE: Make sure to note your recipe so you don't accidentally use the original amount when you meant to use half.
4. Designate a "Spot of Honor" in your refrigerator for leftovers. Sounds silly, but how many times have you full well intended on eating (and enjoying!) leftovers of your one of your favorites, only to find it three weeks later looking like a science experiment? So disappointing. Why does that happen? It happens because our little leftover containers get shoved to the back of the refrigerator.
5. Use Only See-Through Containers. Think "Out of sight, out of mind." It's true. What we don't see, we quickly forget. Me? I'm a stickler for glass only food storage. I switched over to all glass storage containers a few years back, and I've been very happy with that decision. I'm fine with a plastic lid, as long as that lid doesn't come within five feet of the microwave. I don't care if the container's instructions say it's microwave safe. No way. No how. Not ever.
6. Made Too Much? Freeze It! If you know that the food is safe and will still taste great after a stint in the freezer, package it properly and store it away. I like to freeze in individual containers so I can pop out that serving, thaw, and give to my busy middle-schooler for a quick after-school snack.
7. Food Waste: What is it Costing Your Family? OK, we've discussed how to avoid it, but what is Food Waste costing your family? The cost is not measured in dollars and cents alone. Have you someone you love experienced food poisoning? It's just terrible! Sometimes, in the rush of life, a family member won't notice that one section of that leftover casserole has something fuzzy growing on it. A food's smell and spices can mask the beginnings of when the food starts to turn bad. We are all so busy, wouldn't it be awful if you or a member of your family has to sit out from activities, school, or work because of some food that has, so to speak, gone south?
So, this all brings me to my recent discover of Kristen's "The Frugal Girl - cheerfully living on less" blog. Kristen, realizing that she and her family were wasting food, a lot of food, started documenting that waste on Food Waste Friday.
Just look at her logo. I love it! The Frugal Girl figured that if she posted her food waste for others to see, perhaps she'd be better about not wasting food in the first place. Not everyone is willing to shame herself via social media into behavior modification, but I'm game. I plan on following up with a photo or two of my own family's food waste. Thanks, Kristin, for the inspiration! Everyone, please make sure to visit The Frugal Girl for more of her tips. I know I will!
food safety,
food spend,
food waste,
Food Waste Friday,
money saving tips,
The Frugal Girl,
*EXPIRED* FREE Bic Hybrid Advance 4 Razor (Facebook Offer)
Hurry, these will go fast. Click on the link below to get your free Bic Hybrid Advance 4 razor.
Please note: This is a Facebook offer, so you must like the Bic Razor page.
You'll then vote between baseball and football.
This offer is for the first 50,000 respondants.
Limit one per person.
Click Here to link to Bic Razor's Facebook Page and giveaway.
Thanks to Money Saving Mom for the heads up on this cool offer.
Making Something New...Every Day?
Can you imagine making something new, every day? Well, that's what my online friend Jeanne Haegele has been doing for over 200 days now. I first learned about Jeanne because of her Life Less Plastic blog. Jeanne is a really neat person, and I just wanted to give her and Making Made a little shout out today.
Life, of late, has been zigging when I zag, so I haven't posted in quite a long time. (Moving cross country seems to do that to me.) But, looking at what Jeanne has done inspired me to get back in the saddle. Please take a look at MakingMade.com. Jeanne has cooked, drawn, photographed, doodled, sketched, and crafted some really interesting things. I'm sure you'll find something you enjoy!
Jeanne Haegele,
Life Less Plastic,
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