Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Thanks to Ronda and Suzanne...

After moving to Oregon over a year ago, I decided to be a SAHM, a Stay-at-Home-Mom. My husband was NOT in agreement. However, over time, he, too saw the benefit to our daughter's education. Being home with Katherine more has led to better grades and a more well-rounded child. Being a SAHM is not for everyone, but I really want this, and this is what works for our family. However, losing my income was not easy. Everyday items that we need, as well as our contribution to my husband's benefits, seem to grow, whereas paychecks do not.

Soon after my family and I moved to the Pacific Northwest, my friend Ronda from high school told me how she uses coupons and stockpiling to help her family of six make ends meet. After child number four, Ronda decided to be a SAHM. She and her husband had both had great jobs and lived quite comfortably. Living on one income would be a little hard, but nothing insurmountable. That's when Ronda's husband lost his job. Ronda had to find a way to pay less for the necessities and she has been able to do that through couponing and stockpiling. Now, she teaches others to do the same. I have benefitted from her lessons and you can, too.

This is where Suzanne comes in to the picture. Suzanne, another friend from high school, had seen my Facebook posts about the savings that I've attained by combining coupons and sales at various grocery stores. She wanted to learn more and share this information with her husband. I was fully intent on making a list and sending to her, but where's the fun in that? In trying to come up with the best way to share the wealth, I figured that a blog was the best way to do that. Today, October 5 is the day that I'm getting off my duff and getting to work in keeping my word to Suzanne that I'd share money-saving info with her. So we have SAHMonomics - Stay-at-Home-Mom-onomics.

So, thanks Ronda and Suzanne!


  1. You have a great ideas. You should post more! I love reading blog posts like this! (btw, in case you're wondering, I found you on DSM on a comment you left about the Swagbucks games). I hope you get this comment!

  2. TJ, thanks so much! I definitely plan on posting more. I got some great deals at Rite-Aid yesterday and want to share. Even though I messed up my deal, and could have saved more, I still did really well. Plus, I figure that folks who are new to couponing can learn from my mistakes, right? :-) I really like DSM and find so many great sales and freebies there.

    Thanks for following SAHMonomics and tell your friends!
